Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Windows Defender

Windows Defender detects and removes spyware

Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. Windows Defender features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.

The benefits of installing Windows Defender include:

Spyware detection and removal

  • Windows Defender quickly and easily finds spyware and other unwanted programs that can slow down your computer, display annoying pop-up ads, change Internet settings, or use your private information without your consent.
  • Windows Defender eliminates detected spyware easily at your direction, and if you inadvertently remove programs that you actually want, it's easy to get them back.
  • Windows Defender allows you to schedule your scanning and removal times when it's convenient for you, whether it's on-demand or on a schedule that you set.

Improved Internet browsing safety

  • Windows Defender helps stop spyware before it infiltrates your computer. Windows Defender also offers a continuous safeguard designed to target all the ways that spyware can infiltrate your computer.
  • Windows Defender works without distracting you. It runs in the background and automatically handles spyware based on preferences that you set. You can use your computer with minimal interruption.

Protection against the latest threats

  • A dedicated team of Microsoft researchers continuously searches the Internet to discover new spyware and develop methods to counteract it.
  • A voluntary, worldwide network of Windows Defender users helps Microsoft determine which suspicious programs to classify as spyware. Participants help discover new threats quickly and notify Microsoft analysts, so that everyone is better protected. Anyone who uses Windows Defender can join this network and help report potential spyware to Microsoft.
  • To help protect your computer from the latest threats, you can choose to have updates that counteract new spyware automatically downloaded to your computer.

Windows Defender didasarkan pada GIANT SPYWARE. Perusahaan ini dibeli oleh Microsoft pada 2004. Windows Defender memiliki fungsi system scanning dan Real-Time Security Agents yang memperhatikan beberapa bagian dari Windows untuk mengamati perubahan yang dilakukan oleh spyware. Pengguna dapat melaporkan spyware kepada Microsoft lewat Spy Net.

Defender dapat digabungkan dengan Internet Explorer sehingga semua berkas yang didownload secara otomatis discan. Selain itu, semua perangkat lunak dibagi menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu "Known", "Unknown", atau "Potentially Unwanted". Pengguna dapat memasukkan perangkat lunak dari kategori ketiga ke SpyNet untuk dianalisa oleh ahli. Dalam Windows Vista, Defender memblokir semua perangkat lunak startup yang membutuhkan ijin administrator. Hal ini mempersulit perangkat lunak spyware untuk merusak sistem.

Windows Defender dapat di download dari website microsoft jika, windows yang lo miliki asli dan melakukan validasi, tapi, disini gw akan kasih gratis.

Silahkan Sedot dah,,, Jangan Lupa "SAY THANKS"



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